It all started trying to preserve some of my mother’s recipes for her grandchildren and great grandchildren and maybe also later generations. So we decided to go through our cookbooks and publish some of the recipes “Oma Kaethe” was known for.
Then we came across her old cookbook at one of my sisters with recipes included from my great-grandmother which originated over a century ago. We decided to scan and publish it for everyone in the family and as the English speaking side is growing, we translated it for them.
Partially written in the old German alphabet it became a task just to read, then copy and translate it into English. All this with proof reading and correcting took us about a year.
To our surprise many of her recipes already in our possession were not included in this worn cookbook, which is held together with duct tape and usually accompanied her during her many visits here as shown by some entries in it.
A conversation with one of my sisters in Germany revealed, that she too had recipes from her. So we began working together on what is now or, the German language version thereof.
Though Inge’s Kitchen was started in the memory of our mother it evolved into a collection of mainly Bavarian, but also German and many of our favorite recipes from around the world given to us by family, friends, customers and acquaintances.